
There are two Julia data structures that I use again and again:

  1. Dictionaries
  2. DataFrames

Dictionaries are supplied in the Julia distribution as a standard data type. Data-frames have to be added using the DataFrames.jl package. They are both incredibly useful for reasons I will explain below.

And one of the things I find almost as useful as either of them by themselves is the ability to convert from one to another. There are a lot of discussions online about converting from a dictionary into a data-frame, and that is conceptually a simple process with one obvious meaning. For some questions and answers see

But converting the other way is non-obvious because the conversion could mean many things. A data-frame can hold a lot more information than a dictionary so there is likely to be lost information, which is OK, as long as we decide what to keep and what to lose.

What I want to do, when converting, is usually just count. For instance, I might have a table of character appearances in a story held in a dictionary, and I want to count how often each character appears.

Actually, I want a little more flexibility, but counting is a good place to start.

I guess there is already a function out there to do this, but it’s such a simple piece of code I found myself rewriting it each time I needed it because I forgot where the old version was. There is a saying in computer science: Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) and so rewriting code is not a great idea. At least, in publishing this, I won’t lose it again and maybe it will be useful for someone else. You can find the code below, but first I wanted to say a little about why I need this so often.


I talked about dictionaries in a previous post.

Calling a data structure a “dictionary” is a terrible idea. The name comes from the idea that a dictionary is mapping from a word to a definition. But a (software) dictionary is much more flexible. It is a mapping from ANY one data type to ANY other data type.

What do I mean by “mapping?” It’s just a way of describing a one-way relationship, e.g.,

  A -> 1
  B -> 2
  C -> 42

A dictionary lets me create arbitrary mappings. It can also be thought of as a way of associating a key (A, B and C in the example) with a value (1,2, and 42 in the example). It’s such a useful ability it appears in most modern programming languages, albeit under many different names:

  • dictionary (e.g., in Julia and Python)
  • associative arrays or just associations (e.g., in Mathematica)
  • mappings (e.g., in Java and Go);
  • hashes (e.g., in Perl);
  • and others including cases where the data structure is so fundamental it isn’t even named.

Most are derived from what they do (more or less), but the name hash might be a little obscure to non-computer scientists. It comes from one method used to create a dictionary called a hash table. Hash tables are a common implementation of dictionaries, and the one that Julia uses (but not the only implementation – trees have some advantages).

Dictionaries have many uses, but one noteworthy use is that they are great for working with various data formats. For example, a JSON file can be seen as a hierarchical dictionary structure (a dictionary with some values that are dictionaries and so on).

Another common use is to keep counters for a set of keys, e.g., imagine creating a frequency table for the words in a text. A dictionary makes that very simple.

We could create the dictionary given in the example above in Julia with the following code

julia> dict = Dict( "A"=>1, "B"=>2, "C"=> 42 )
Dict{String,Int64} with 3 entries:
  "B" => 2
  "A" => 1
  "C" => 42

which I find really elegant. It looks how it should (to me)1. This code creates a Dict{String,Int64}, i.e., a mapping from a set of strings to 64-bit integers. But remember that the datatypes can be almost anything including arrays or other dictionaries2.

There is a lot more information above Julia’s dictionaries available at places like

and my own post but I want to get to the next bit.


I also talked about data-frames in a previous post.

A data-frame is an advanced type of table. However it has a few features that differentiate it from a simple array:

  • The columns have names, which means their order can be arbitrary, which is very important when shuffling data around. Named access to variables (rather than number access) is one of the fundamental advances of higher-level programming languages over machine code.

  • A data-frame (in Julia at least) can have missing values. This is very useful for working with real data where missing data is extremely common. Without this, we often end up putting in weird values to indicate missing data, e.g., -1, which can later be misinterpreted as real values.

  • The columns of a data-frame can have different types, so it can store both text and numerical data (as well as other types).

Data-frames are so important that they form one of the foundations of R’s Tidy Data philosophy and hence modern data processing pipelines. They create some of the functionality of the Python Pandas package. They are really, really convenient for organising and visualising data.

And they also map to one of the simplest and most common data formats, the CSV file. So much so that we can read (and write) from (and to) CSV files using Julia’s CSV package as simply as

julia> using CSV
julia> using DataFrames
julia> filename = "whatever your file is called"
julia> df =, DataFrame; comment="#")

The code will read in the CSV file, using the 1st row as column names. The last bit comment="#" isn’t necessary, but I like to put comments in CSV files sometimes and this optional argument will let Julia know to ignore any line beginning with #.

As with dictionaries, Julia’s documentation goes into a lot of detail about data-frames, e.g.:


So now we get to the nub of the problem, what does it mean to convert a data-frame (a table) into a mapping? A table can have many columns, but a dictionary has only keys and values. A column in a table can have repeated values as well.

What I find I need is a way of counting how often an element occurs in some column of my table. The obvious way to do this is to loop through the rows of the table and add a key to the dictionary whenever we see a new name, and then to increment this counter whenever we see the name again.

But I want a little more flexibility to do other things:

  • I could have a second column containing numbers, and I want to add these up for each name; or

  • I want to create a mapping (a dictionary) from each name in one column to its corresponding value in another column, checking at the same time that these mappings are unique.

The following code does all that. It isn’t a hard piece of code. I’m sure you could write it yourself, but for your convenience:

using DataFrames

function increment!( d::Dict{S, T}, k::S, i::T) where {T<:Real, S<:Any}
    if haskey(d, k)
        d[k] += i
        d[k] = i
increment!(d::Dict{S, T}, k::S ) where {T<:Real, S<:Any} = increment!( d, k, one(T))

function df2dict( df::DataFrame, key_col::Symbol; val_col::Symbol=:null)
    keytype = typeof(df[1,key_col])
    if val_col == :null
        valtype = Int
        valtype = typeof(df[1,val_col])
    D = Dict{keytype, valtype}()
    for i=1:size(df,1)
        if !ismissing(df[i,key_col])
            if val_col == :null
                increment!( D, df[i,key_col] )
            elseif valtype <: Real
                increment!( D, df[i,key_col], df[i,val_col] )
                if haskey(D, df[i,key_col])
                    @warn("non-unique entry: $(df[i,key_col])")
                    D[df[i,key_col]] = df[i,val_col]
    return D

The code uses one utility function called increment! which is designed to implement simple counter functionality in a dictionary3. It just makes df2dict a little cleaner to read. The default behaviour of df2dict (if you don’t pass in val_col) is to count the number of times each name is seen in key_col. If val_col exists and is a numerical type, then we add it up instead. If val_col doesn’t take a numerical type we try to create a mapping, with a warning if it isn’t a unique mapping.

One minor note to take into account is that Julia’s data-frame column names are of type Symbol, and that requires a little extra knowledge. Have a look at the docs for DataFrames or at Symbols. Symbols are “interned strings” but as to the whys and wheretofores I will leave it to more expert Julia programmers.


OK, how about some examples. These presume you have included the code above.

Let’s start with a simple one which just counts how often a character appears in the data-frame. Note that :Name denotes the column whose entries we are going to count.

julia> df = DataFrame(Name = ["Batman", "Robin", "Alfred", "Batman"], 
                      NumberOfFriends = [0, 2, 100, 1]  )
julia> D = df2dict( df, :Name )
Dict{String,Int64} with 3 entries:
  "Alfred" => 1
  "Batman" => 2
  "Robin"  => 1

We could also calculate the number of friends each character has, summing over the second column values for each name:

julia> df = DataFrame(Name = ["Batman", "Robin", "Alfred", "Batman"], 
                      NumberOfFriends = [0, 2, 100, 1]  )
julia> D = df2dict( df, :Name;  val_col=:NumberOfFriends )
Dict{String,Int64} with 3 entries:
  "Alfred" => 100
  "Batman" => 1
  "Robin"  => 2

You can flip it around, to collect the names corresponding to each number of friends.

julia> df = DataFrame(Name = ["Batman", "Robin", "Alfred", "Batman"], 
                      NumberOfFriends = [0, 2, 100, 1]  )
julia> D = df2dict( df, :NumberOfFriends;  val_col=:Name )
Dict{Int64,String} with 4 entries:
  0   => "Batman"
  100 => "Alfred"
  2   => "Robin"
  1   => "Batman"

However, if we make a small change, then we run into a uniqueness problem because two characters have 2 friends. It produces a warning, but still outputs a result. You just have to realise that the entry (for key=2) will be the first one in the list that matched.

julia> df = DataFrame(Name = ["Batman", "Robin", "Alfred", "Batman"], 
                      NumberOfFriends = [2, 2, 100, 1]  )
julia> D = df2dict( df, :NumberOfFriends;  val_col=:Name )
 Warning: non-unique entry: 2
 @ Main REPL[4]:17
Dict{Int64,String} with 3 entries:
  100 => "Alfred"
  2   => "Batman"
  1   => "Batman"

Those examples are pretty trivial. Let’s look at a much more interesting one based on a real dataset. The file I am going to look at has a list of nearly 100 Batman graphic novels and their creators. The first few entries are in the table below:

Title Script Cover Pencils Inks Colors Letters
Batman: A Death in the Family Jim Starlin Jim Aparo Jim Aparo/Mike Mignola/Mike DeCarlo Jim Aparo/Mike Mignola Adrienne Roy/Anthony Tollin John Costanza
Batman: Year One Frank Miller David Mazzucchelli David Mazzucchelli David Mazzucchelli Richmond Lewis Todd Klein
Batman: Arkham Asylum Grant Morrison Dave McKean Dave McKean Dave McKean Dave McKean Gaspar Saladino
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Frank Miller Klaus Janson Frank Miller Klaus Janson Lynn Varley John Costanza
Batman: The Killing Joke Alan Moore Brian Bolland Brian Bolland Brian Bolland John Higgins Richard Starkings
Batman: Hush Jeph Loeb Jim Lee Jim Lee Scott Williams Alex Sinclair Richard Starkings
Batman: Son of the Demon Mike W. Barr Jerry Bingham Jerry Bingham Jerry Bingham Jerry Bingham John Costanza

You can get the dataset in question from my GitHub at batman_creators.csv.
The code below just counts the number of covers each artist created (again I’ll assume that you have included the code above). The final line shows why a dictionary is useful – with one simple command I can now check how many covers4 Tim Sale (or any other artist) created.

julia> using CSV
julia> df ="batman_creators.csv", DataFrame) # read the file into a DataFrame
julia> D = df2dict( df, :Cover)
julia> D["Tim Sale"]


This is just a short post on a function that it turns out I use a lot. It’s not rocket science. It’s doing something pretty simple, but I use it again and again. I thought it might be useful for some other folks, or at least as an example of Julia coding.


Related approaches:

    julia> df = DataFrame(Name = ["Batman", "Robin", "Alfred", "Batman"], 
                          NumberOfFriends = [0, 2, 100, 1]  )
    julia> df2 = combine(groupby(df, [:Name]), nrow => :count)
    3×2 DataFrame
     Row  Name    count 
          String  Int64 
     1    Batman  2     
     2    Robin   1     
     3    Alfred  1     
  • If you only want to count a single item from the list, it’s much easier, for instance see the following code, but I wouldn’t want to do this for every artist on a large file.
    julia> count = size( filter(row -> row[:Cover]=="Tim Sale", df), 1)

The approach you choose should be a trade-off between your time to program (and debug) your solution, and the computational time. For a small file like the one above, I don’t get to stressed about computation times, but for real datasets, you should be thinking about the computational cost of constructing whatever data structures you use, and then how and how often you plan to access the data. There is no one best solution for all cases.


Just a quiet thanks for the people who have been helping me edit these blogs, notably …


  1. Note that dictionaries aren’t sorted, either by key or by value. They are a pure mapping without any ordering. I’ll talk more about this later on, but for many purposes it isn’t important.

  2. The key data type needs to have a hash function defined. Most primitive data types have that, but if you create your own, you will need to add a hash method.

  3. The default behaviour of increment! is to increment by 1 (of the appropriate type), but if you pass a third argument the counter will be incremented by this amount.

  4. For a graphic novel that is created from a series of comics, the CSV file actually lists all of the artists that created at least one cover from the series. So what we are counting here is the number of times that an artist was uniquely responsible for all of the covers of a series.